The UK Cyber Security and Resilience Bill



The UK government has recently announced that it plans to introduce a Cyber Security and Resilience Bill (Bill). The Bill seeks to update the 2018 Network and Information Security Regulations, which implemented the European Union (EU) NIS 1 Directive when the UK was a member of the EU.

A key driver behind the UK government’s plans is a desire to stay broadly aligned with evolving EU legislation, particularly with the significant expansion in scope of the new EU NIS 2 Directive. Once presented to Parliament, the Bill could become law by early 2026.

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Countries Poised to Adopt New Cybersecurity Measures After UN Adopts Major Cybercrime Convention


On August 7, 2024, after three years of negotiation, the United Nation’s Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes unanimously adopted the Convention Against Cybercrime. The Convention now goes to the General Assembly, where it is expected to be adopted. If ratified by 40 member states, the Convention will enter into force.

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New UK Consumer Laws on Fake Reviews, Subscription Contracts and Drip Pricing: Impact on US Businesses


In May of this year, the UK Government passed the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Act (DMCC) into law. The DMCC is wide-ranging and covers three key areas: consumer law, digital markets, and merger and antitrust law.

In the first of our series of blog posts, we set out key points on the significant changes to consumer laws and regulatory enforcement powers of which US businesses selling to UK consumers need to be aware ahead of the law coming into force, which is expected to be later this year.

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EU Artificial Intelligence Act – Legislation Adopted by the European Council


The long-awaited European Union Artificial Intelligence Act (the AI Act) is nearing implementation following its adoption by the European Council yesterday (21 May 2024). This signals the completion of the final major stage of the European Union (EU) legislative process and the AI Act is expected to enter into force imminently. We considered the impact of this legislation in detail in our previous article: EU Artificial Intelligence Act — Final Form Legislation Endorsed by European Parliament.

The only remaining formalities are the signature of the President and Secretary-General of the European Parliament and Council and publication in the Official Journal, which is expected to happen in the coming days. The AI Act will enter into force 20 days after this takes place. The AI Act will become fully applicable 24 months after its entry into force (June 2026). However, some provisions will apply before that date.

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UK and US Announce Partnership on Science of AI Safety


On 1 April 2024, the UK and US signed a memorandum of understanding on the science of AI safety. This partnership is the first of its kind and will see the two countries work together to assess risks and develop safety tests for the most advanced AI models.

Following their announcement of cooperation at the AI Safety Summit in Bletchley Park last November, the UK and US have formally agreed to align their scientific approaches to AI safety testing, with plans to perform at least one joint testing exercise on a publicly accessible model. The partnership will take effect immediately and will see the two countries work together to tackle the safety risks posed by next-generation versions of AI. The agreement will facilitate collaboration between the UK AI Safety Institute (formed last November) and the US AI Safety Institute (which is still in its initial stages) and will include the sharing of vital information and research on the capabilities and risks associated with AI systems, together with the exchange of expertise through researcher secondments between the institutes.

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NIST Releases Cybersecurity Framework 2.0


On February 26, 2024, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released the NIST Cybersecurity Framework 2.0 (CSF 2.0). CSF 2.0 represents the first major update to the Cybersecurity Framework, which was first released in February 2014. CSF 2.0 provides an increased focus on entities’ governance functions and broadens the CSF’s scope. For companies subject to state and federal standards demanding “reasonable security,” CSF 2.0 is particularly important because it could very well become the de facto standard of care under various cybersecurity and data privacy laws.

Focus on Governance

CSF 2.0 builds on the five high-level functions from CSF 1.0 (Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover) by introducing a new core function—Govern. This function focuses on ensuring that an organization’s cybersecurity risk management strategy, expectations, and policies are established, communicated, and monitored. In particular, this new core function emphasizes that an organization’s cybersecurity framework must be (i) based on the organization’s individual circumstances, goals, and risk appetite; (ii) well established and communicated within the organization to ensure compliance and continuity; and (iii) continually reviewed and improved.

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